
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Review - "Married Mom, Solo Parent"

Some of my local friends will remember Carla Coroy, fellow MOPS mom and Queen of Hospitality Extraordinaire, who left us years ago to move back to her home in Manitoba.  Turns out she’s now a published author who’s written a book for the Married Mom, Solo Parent.

As the title suggests, Carla’s book offers hope for women who feel like single moms because their husbands work long hours or away from home, or may “work at home” sharpening online gaming skills until the first light breaks the sky.

I read the book, trying to imagine what it would be like to be a solo parent; Carla made it easy. Her heart-breaking stories of neglect by the local church made me want to send copies of the book to every pastor and leader in church ministry, and to every regular church-goer, for that matter. I only hope that I will be more sensitive to and understanding of the needs of my married friends who are going it alone.

The book’s subtitle is Finding Strength to Face the Challenge. I have to admit, I initially found myself wanting to re-subtitle it, Finding Strength to Immerse His iPad in the Dog Water. Carla offers no "fix-it" solutions for the uninvolved husband, which, at first glance, may seem hopeless. 

But that's because I'm not a married-single parent.

This book is for those who have tried everything short of divorce, because they happen to believe that God offers something higher than escape from such a marriage. With tenderness and grace, Carla puts that “something” well within reach, in a refreshing and surprising way. Adhering fiercely to Biblical standards for marriage, Carla gives readers permission—not to settle for an apathetic coexistence—but to unapologetically honor the husbands God gave them, and to expect to thrive in the process. And she shows them how.

Carla also offers practical advice in areas such as discipline, chores, intimacy, community, and mealtimes, making this a must-have reference for married-single moms.

(Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from Kregel Publications for my honest review.)

1 comment:

Carla Anne Coroy said...

Thanks Faith! You bless me! And it's people like you in our churches who keep their eyes open for people like me that help the church function as it should.

Carla Anne